clearwater forest

Board of Directors

The Clearwater Forest Board of Directors is comprised of 15 individuals, ten of which are nominated by the five governing bodies, and five additional board members are nominated by the Clearwater Board.

Governing Bodies:
Presbytery of Minnesota Valley
Presbytery of Northern Plains
Presbytery of Northern Waters
Synod of Lakes & Prairies
Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area


presbytery of the twin cities area

Keith Beveridge

Keith has been coming to retreats and experiencing the beauty of Clearwater for almost 20 years. Both daughters attended Summer Camp. He has served on the board of several trade organizations. Keith is excited to see Clearwater grow and prosper into the future.


vice president

John Kirschhoffer

Jon has been coming to Clearwater for some 40 years as it's become one his favorite places in the world. Youth ministry brought him here. The beauty and transformative power of God's Woods and Waters keeps him coming back. Jon has led the sailing program for 27 years and served 2 terms on the board including service as board chair and capital campaign chair. He is excited to return to service on board supporting the ministry and future of Clearwater Forest.


vice president

Andy Davis

Andy Davis is excited to serve on the board. He has a passion for Clearwater that stretches back to his son’s early years at the camp. Andy believes that camp and other forms of temporary Christian community will be increasingly important parts of our shared faith in the future. Andy wants to keep the 'fun' in Funds Development!


presbytery of northern waters

Paul Rigstad

Paul had his first Bible camp experience the summer he turned seven, and continued almost uninterrupted until he was into his twenties. Paul understands the value of a time away from the normal daily happenings where the focus can be on the spiritual, emotional and inspirational. He considers Clearwater to be a place that offers this kind of existence in a wonderful setting. Paul has had several chances to be involved at Clearwater and help young family and church friends find the Spirit that is at Clearwater. He is excited to give his best as a board member.


presbytery of the twin cities area


2025 TBD


presbytery of minnesota valleys

Lenae Wordes

Even though Lenae has very little camping experience, she believes in the many benefits and life experiences Clearwater Forest has to offer each camper and guest. She brings the desire to share her communication skills and her love for youth to help Clearwater be a desired destination for campers and all guests.


presbytery of northern waters

pete Mann

(New in 2025) Pete, and his spouse Diana, currently reside on the south shore of Lake Superior in Ashland, Wisconsin.  While calling the Upper Peninsula of Michigan home, Pete and his family enjoyed the adventures afforded by Presbytery Point, the camp and retreat center operated by the Presbytery of Mackinac in Michigamme, Michigan.  Pete welcomes the privilege of serving on the board of a church camp offering similar opportunities for others.


presbytery of northern plains

Rachel Schmidt

(New in 2025) Rachel is excited to serve on the board after fond memories of being a camper. Rachel and her spouse Troy send their three children to a week of summer camp annually and one child (so far) has also attended winter camp. She loves telling others about camp! Rachel is a licensed social worker and has practiced in MN child protection for nearly two decades. She is a member of First Presbyterian Church in Fargo, ND.


presbytery of the northern plains

Casey Chapman

Casey lives in Fargo with his wife Patsy and two dogs. During the week, he is a lawyer and, on the weekends, he is the lay pastor for the Presbyterian churches in Hunter, ND, and Grandin, ND. While growing up in Bismarck, his two sons enjoyed many camp adventures at Clearwater Forest, and Casey spent a few nights there as a youth advisor at First Presbyterian Church, Bismarck.


presbytery of minnesota valleys

Jill Boeyink

Jill has been serving the children, youth and adults of First Presbyterian Church of
Willmar as their Christian Education Youth Ministries (CEYM) Director for the past
30 years. She brings with her a host of ideas, resources and knowledge pertaining
to education for children and youth. She is eager to learn the ins and outs of
everything that camp at Clearwater Forest has to offer. Jill has a strong desire to
find new and creative ways to connect with the churches in the Presbytery of
Minnesota Valleys and to help foster the long tradition of faith formation through
camps and retreats for all ages. Jill has served at Clearwater as a Chaplain,
volunteering where needed, and most recently has attended Grands Camp.


synod of lakes and prairies

Candace Adams
(New in 2025) Candace Adams welcomes the opportunity to serve on the board. She believes that Clearwater has the privilege of offering opportunities where individuals, of all ages, can deepen their connection with God. She thinks the camp has incredible staff and amazing facilities. She looks forward to promoting this wonderful resource to others.


Gary Perkins

Gary is joining our Board as Finance Chair, having been on the Property Committee since 2021.  Gary and his family have had a cabin on Clearwater Lake for over 23 years and has been on the Clearwater Lake Conservancy Board for much of that time.  He worked with Clearwater Forest on their first conservation easement many years ago, has continued to be a strong supporter of Clearwater Forest, and has been an advocate to promote Clearwater Forest’s value to Clearwater Lake homeowners.  He has worked on the financial side of businesses his whole career and wants to use that expertise to support Clearwater. Gary and his wife Kirstin are members of Christ Presbyterian Church in the Twin Cities.  Gary has a passion to help ensure Clearwater Forest can be enjoyed by many future generations.



Jack Baas
Jack first experienced Clearwater Forest through a family camp weekend with his wife, Kristen, and their daughter, Reese. This initial connection deepened as Reese participated in eight years of summer camp at Clearwater. Jack is eager to bring his extensive experience in church leadership and his involvement in various professional and youth organization boards to the table. He is committed to fostering the growth of existing programs along with the development and launch of new initiatives at Clearwater.


Rev. Anna Kendig Flores
Rev. Anna Kendig Flores (she/her) is a teaching elder/pastor with a decade of experience in board certified hospital chaplaincy, mental health, addiction, and ethics. She brings these experiences to her current role as Antiracism Coordinator for the over 50 congregations of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area.

Click the following titles for a pdf of the reports:

2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report
2016 Finanicals
2014-2015 Financial Review